Friday, February 20, 2009

Ahtur Dr. Khazriel Electrifies the UK

African Communities in London Inspired and Challenged by Recent Leadership Tour of Crowned (Ahtur) Dr. Khazriel Ben Yehuda

Soferet Baht Yehuda

During his recent two-week London Scholarship and Community Networking Tour, Ahtur Dr. Khazriel Ben Yehuda presented his "Servant Leader Extraordinaire/Master Teacher Program" to the British Isles Extension's Community members.

Dr. Khazriel is the Dean of the School of the Prophets Institute of Regenerative Truth at Jerusalem, and also the European Director of the Kingdom of Yah’s affairs in the British Isles.

Ahtur was hosted by the Administrative Task Force whose members also facilitated his access to key Africa Community Groups. The Master Program's concept of ‘Servant Leadership’ was in perfect timing as the issue of ‘leadership’ is currently at the center of local community’s troubling concern.

African Community Leaders in the various vocal spheres of the society, are in ‘leadership cognitive denial’.

Ahtur stated, "The issue, I believe, is accountability in the face of the current loss of control of sections of the youth who are now turning to gangs and now killing and maiming one another. Government reports and youth themselves are blaming parents and non-effective leadership in their lives, absent fathers and a racist, liberal society which is criminalising the youth."

The full course was delivered to the national Sainthood community on the Shabbaht (Saturday) 31st January. During which, they were charged to be prepared to advance into the next phase of spiritual, physical and intellectual growth and development. “The IRT is our New World Class Institute of Higher Learning centered on the concept of ‘Redemptive Intelligence, Regenerative Leadership and Divine Scholarship, required for our direction for the next forty years," Ahtur stated.

Both Dr. Robert Beckford the Black theological professor, broadcaster and community activist and Brother Toyin Agbegtu, a film producer of Yoruba descent and also Community activist at the launch of his recent film, 'Maafa Solutions' at community discussion forums are diminishing the leadership role in the community. When the notion of the Servant-Leader was mooted, it was welcomed as more helpful and useful.

KNN was also present when Ahtur presented at the Marcus Garvey Planning Committee Public Forum on the ‘War in Israel- Palestine and the Palestinian Question’ on 27th January, 2009. This was an anti-Israel and vociferously pro-Palestinian platform as a Pan-African policy position.

Ahtur was a lion in the dragon’s den and addressed some of the most controversial geopolitical questions on the significance of Jerusalem, 'What Africans in the Diaspora’s focus must be', 'the community’s youth in the Israeli Defence Force (IDF)', 'Zionism and the Arab homeland issue' and 'who or what is an Arab', etc.

Presenting opposite an inflammatory Pan African veteran Brother, the atmosphere was charged and went from hostility to bemusement as Ahtur debunked some myths and misguided loyalties.
His mixture of power-point and scholarship lecture style format has caused some major cognitive paradigm shifts. He ended by leaving the audience an assignment, to research ‘who is a Palestinian’ and dialogue with him by e-mail.

KNN recently had feedback on the position of the main organiser and he appears confounded and IS asking for more understanding. The brother is understood to have said, “I have a lot to learn and much to take on board..., especially in relation to yours and the Palestinian issue".

US Produce Nutrient Composition Declining

Bigger fruits and veggies isn't necessarily better.
What Is the Evidence?
By Donald R. Davis
Journal of HortScience

The Gist:
If the economy isn't grim enough for you, just check out the February issue of the Journal of HortScience, which contains a report on the sorry state of American fruits and veggies.

Apparently produce in the U.S. not only tastes worse than it did in your grandparents' days, it also contains fewer nutrients - at least according to Donald R. Davis, a former research associate with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin.

Davis claims the average vegetable found in today's supermarket is anywhere from 5% to 40% lower in minerals (including magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc) than those harvested just 50 years ago.
(Read about Americans' Incredible, Edible Front Lawns.)

1. On the Difficulty of Comparing "Then" and "Now:" Davis is quick to note that historical data can sometimes be misleading, if not altogether inaccurate.

Take early measurements of iron in foods: because scientists failed to sufficiently remove clinging soil, iron levels appeared unusually high in certain vegetables like spinach, (which gave rise to the myth that it contained exorbitant amounts of the mineral - a myth further propagated by the popular cartoon character, Popeye).

Then again, good historical data provides the only real-world evidence of changes in foods over time, and such data does exist - one farm in Hertfordshire, England, for example, has archived its wheat samples since 1843.

2. On the So-Called "Dilution Effect:" Today's vegetables might be larger, but if you think that means they contain more nutrients, you'd be wrong.

Davis writes that jumbo-sized produce contains more "dry matter" than anything else, which dilutes mineral concentrations. In other words, when it comes to growing food, less is more. Scientific papers have cited one of the first reports of this effect, a 1981 study by W.M. Jarrell and R.B. Beverly in Advances in Agronomy, more than 180 times since its publication, "suggesting that the effect is widely regarded as common knowledge." (See pictures of fruit.)

Less studied, though, is the "genetic dilution effect," in which selective breeding to increase crop yield has led to declines in protein, amino acids, and as many as six minerals in one study of commercial broccoli grown in 1996 and '97 in South Carolina.

Because nearly 90% of dry matter is carbohydrates, "when breeders select for high yield, they are, in effect, selecting mostly for high carbohydrate with no assurance that dozens of other nutrients and thousands of phytochemicals will all increase in proportion to yield."

3. On the "Industrialization" of Agriculture: Thanks to the growing rise of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, modern crops are being harvested faster than ever before. But quick and early harvests mean the produce has less time to absorb nutrients either from synthesis or the soil, and minerals like potassium (the "K" in N-P-K fertilizers) often interfere with a plant's ability to take up nutrients.

Monoculture farming practices - another hallmark of the Big Ag industry - have also led to soil-mineral depletion, which, in turn, affects the nutrient content of crops.

The Lowdown:
If you're still not buying the whole "organic-is-better" argument, this study might convince you otherwise. As Davis points out, more than three billion people around the world suffer from malnourishment and yet, ironically, efforts to increase food production have actually produced food that is less nourishing.

Fruits seem to be less affected by genetic and environmental dilution, but one can't help but wonder how nutritionally bankrupt veggies can be avoided. Supplementing them is problematic, too: don't look to vitamin pills, as recent research indicates that those aren't very helpful either.

The Verdict: Skim
See the top 10 food trends of 2008.
See TIME's 1978 article, "The New American Farmer: Get Big or Get Out."
View this article on

Sea Vegetables: The Incredible Health Benefits

KNN Health News

I have to admit t
he thought of eating a plate of slimy green stuff from the ocean just does not usually get people jumping for joy and anticipation! Except for the occasional seaweed salad or sushi at a Japanese restaurant, the exposure to sea vegetables for the average Westerner is quite small.

Too bad! Sea vegetables are amongst the most nutritionally powerful foods on the planet. And with a bit of creativity and experimentation, wonderfully delicious dishes can be prepared from them! They are simple to prepare and serve and can add fun and diversity to your daily culinary repertoire.

Most Americans do get a bit of sea vegetation on a regular basis, as food manufacturers often use processed sea vegetables in the form of sodium alginate and carageenen as thickeners and stabilizers in a variety of common food products such as ice cream, instant pudding, almond milk, and toothpaste and are not of significant nutritional value.

However, served as part of main meals and in salads, soups and wraps, sea vegetables offer an abundance of otherwise hard to get nutrients. Sea vegetables are very rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. They are loaded with chlorophyll, fiber, and minerals, including significant amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and many other trace minerals naturally found in the ocean.

When reconstituted, sea vegetables expand three to seven times their original volume, so small amounts go a long way.

Available in dried form year-round, most sea vegetables are re-hydrated before adding to dishes. Some, like kelp, dulse, nori and sea palm are delicate enough to eat dry. Others, like arame, wakame and hijiki become more tender and appealing when they soaked in water to soften. Irish moss can be soaked and used as a thickener in puddings, pies and gravies.

Still others like Kombu are usually not eaten by themselves, because they are tougher, but are either ground and used as a seasoning or used whole
as a flavoring in soups and stews.

To make a basic sea vegetable salad, simply soak the sea vegetables in water to soften. Drain, reserving the soak water for future use. I usually do equal amounts of sea and land vegetation, like carrots or cucumbers. Kale, collard greens and cabbage make great additions as well. Combine the sea vegetable with the land vegetable and pour a sauce or marinade over them. Let it stand at least 15 minutes to absorb flavor. One of my favorite marinades contains ginger, garlic, sesame oil, lime juice, cayenne and salt.

While there are thousands of different types of sea vegetables, a small handful are most commonly used. The sweet, mild flavors of arame, dulse and bullwhip kelp make them perfect choices for the novice.

Minerals, Trace Elements, Vitamins and Fats in Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables provide all 56 minerals and trace elements required for the human body’s physiological functions in quantities greatly exceeding those of land plants. According to Dr. Ryan Drum, noted herbalist and sea vegetable gatherer, and an international expert on sea vegetables, 3-5 pounds of sea vegetables will fully mineralize an adult human for one year! He claims his personal consumption to be about 10 pounds a year.

Healing Properties of Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables have been studied and used in clinical practice and shown to have many health benefits. For example, the effects of regular Kombu consumption can be resolution of coronary artery disease, healthier liver function, higher metabolic rate, faster food transit time, lower LDL cholesterol, and higher HDL cholesterol blood levels. What follows is a summary of some of the healing effects that have been attributed to sea vegetables.

-Anti-Microbial Function:

Sea vegetables are powerfully antiviral and anti-parasitic. Various red algae, dried, powdered and encapsulated have been used as effective genital herpes and shingles suppressants.

-Lung Function:
Hijiki and Sargassum, brown algae, seem to improve lung capacity. 3-5 grams of powdered kelp daily has been effective in treating asthma. Irish Moss gel is an effective long-term treatment for damaged lungs, especially after pneumonia, smoking, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

-Erectile Dysfunction:
Tropical species of red seaweed are used to prepare a male virility drink in the Caribbean.

-Tissue Repair
Dr. Ryan Drum uses a broth of powdered Sargassum unpasteurized 3 year old Barley Miso paste for cancer, radiation, chemotherapy, post-surgical, and whole body impact trauma patients. Pre surgical treatment with 3-5 grams of brown seaweed containing Fucoidan significantly reduces blood loss and shock risk afterwards.

-Nervous Disorders:
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Insomnia, Depression, Hostility and Schizophrenia have improved greatly with regular daily consumption of 3-5 grams of powdered kelp.

-Cardiovascular Disorders:
Regular consumption of Kombu tends to result in lowered blood pressure and decrease in arterial plaque.

Regular dietary consumption of Wakame and other brown algae may prevent breast cancer. One of the constituents of brown algae, Fucoidan, shows strong antitumor activity by enhancement of inflammatory responses.

-Thyroid Disorders:
Fucus species of brown seaweeds, also known as Bladderwrack, have been used as treatment for thyroid disorders because they contain DIT, a weakly active thyroid hormone. Two DIT molecules combine to produce T4, Thyroxin.

3-5 grams daily of powdered Fucus, results in similar effects to thyroid medication. Up to 10% of the iodine found in brown seaweeds, especially laminaria species of Kombu and Sargassum has been found to be in the preformed thyroid hormones, T4 and T3.

This is exciting news for those who have been on synthetic thyroid hormone and told that they needed to stay on it for life. Daily consumption of sea vegetables has the potential to restore thyroid functioning.

-Male Pattern Baldness:
Daily Nori consumption is recommended in Japan as a preventative for male pattern baldness.

-Joint Pain:
Used topically, extended soaks with powdered Fucus (bladder wrack) can be very helpful to improve joint pain.

Other conditions that have been found to respond favorably with the use of sea vegetables are anemia, arthritis, diabetes, chronic fatigue, yeast infections, ulcers, and prostate problems.

A 1/3 cup (1/4 oz.) serving of Dulse or Kelp provides up to 30% of the RDA for iron, which is 4 times the amount of iron in a serving of spinach.

Magnesium is twice as abundant in Kelp and Alaria as in collard greens. Sea vegetables contain the following essential nutrients in a chelated, colloidal, optimally balanced, bioavailable form: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Chromium, Copper, Lithium, Manganese, Selenium, Vanadium, Sulfur, and Iodine. Sea vegetables are the best natural food sources of iodine.

According to Dr. Drum, since no land plants are reliable sources of dietary iodine, you’d have to eat about 40 lb. of fresh vegetables and/or fruits to get as much iodine as you would from 1 gram of whole leaf kelp!

Sea vegetables also contain significand amounts of vitamins, especially the B vitamins.

And finally, while low in fat, sea vegetables have significant amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, containin and ideal ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3.

Please click here for more information.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tune in to UK's Online Radio Programme 'Africa Speaks' with Sister Ekua

Africa Speaks with Sister Ekua (aka Esther Stanford-Xosei)
on Voice of Africa Radio on Britian's first licensed African radio station
Tune in every Yom Riviee / Wednesday
94.3FM or at
-8-10pm GMT
-4-6pm Eastern Caribbean Time
-3-5 Eastern Standard Time (New York, Atlanta, DC)

Whilst broadcasting show:
Phone (from within the UK): 0208 497 4643
Text phone: 0796 157 3883
Skype: voiceofafricaradio

Remember if you are having difficulties picking up VOAR on the FM dial in your area you can listen to the show live on the internet go to